
Daniela Troiani, flotist, born in Rome, Italy, studied with such prestigious teachers as Adolfo Longo, Angelo Persichilli, Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, Maxence Larrieu, France and Switzerland; and with Riccardo Brengola, Accademia Nazionale of Santa Cecilia in Rome for chamber music; Troiani also was a recipient of a scholarship from the French Gouvernement for study in Lyon, France. In 1979, she gained a Diploma of Merit when she attended Severino Gazzelloni’s master classes at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, Italy. In 1986 she was awarded the “Premiér Prix de Virtuosité” at the Conservatoire Superieur in Geneva, Switzerland.

She has recorded for the R.A.I. (Italy) and performed with various orchestras among which the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, Opera of Roma, R.A.I. of Roma, San Carlo of Napoli, Filarmonica Marchigiana, Italy. In addition, Troiani was flutist solo at the Orchestra Sinfonica in Sanremo, Italy.

Troiani recorded a CD of the “Biedermeier” musical era, with the pianist Giuseppe Maiorca (Ed.Paoline, 1992). Recently, Ars Nova20th Century Italian Music for Flute and Piano (2017).

New release, with the pianist Fiammetta Tarli, Viaggio nel Novecento. France and Mitteleuropa after 1930 (Ed. ICSM RECORDS, 2019).

With the Ensemble Concentus Romae, a group all highly appreciated for their interpretation of chamber music and in particular the baroque repertoire, she recorded two CD, Opus 16, by Isabella Leonarda (World Premiere, 2004); and First Music Book, contemporary music by Gianluca Podio (Ed. III Millennio).

She recorded also, with the guitarist Antonio De Rose, a CD of jazz music by Nino De Rose, Jazz Sketches (Ed. Fonè, 1993). Further CD concerne music by the italian composers of 19th century, Ferdinando Carulli and Francesco Molino, Carullisti o Molinisti? (Ed. Nuova Era,1996); Omaggio a Mario Gangi (Ed.Bèrben, 2009). Recently, Celebri – il piacere di riconoscerli (Ed. Alfa Music CLASSICAL, 2019).

At present, since 1985, Troiani hold the professorship at the Conservatorio di Musica “Stanislao Giacomantonio” of Cosenza Italy.

Since 2010 he has undertaken an interesting collaboration, with several colleagues of his instrument, through the Erasmus Project among the Conservatories of Europe, such as: Istanbul, Dublin, Granada, Riga, Izmir, Kracow, Corfu, Aveiro, Sofia.

In 2019 she was invited as a guest artist, to perfom a concert and teach masterclass at the Glinka Conservatory of Nizhny Novgorod.